Thursday, August 7, 2008

Heather & Toma Engagements

I met Heather & Toma in one of my fav spots early Saturday morning.  We thought we would beat the heat.  It turned out to be a sizzling morning.  We walked around the park and soon after our session started the heat began to take over us.  The water looked so nice and cool.  I asked them if they wanted to get in and Toma was ready, but Heather wasn't quite breaking a sweat yet and it didn't really look like jumping in the water at the park was her thing.  Well after an hour into the session and we were all dying for some cool water. I mentioned jumping into the water again and this time she was game.  They had a blast playing in the water and especially cooling off.  I was still burning up, but it was a lot of fun capturing them playing in the water.  Next time I'll remember to bring some towels...just in case.

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